Building New Homes

Homes in Mind schemes

The projects core objective is to deliver social affordable housing to service users of Mind in Harrow as part of a community led housing project. The value of this housing cannot be underestimated. Over the lifetime of the units delivered, 100’s of service users will find a safe, supported and affordable place to live and thrive. 

The partnership working between a number of VCS organisations and the council has been exceptional. The work on this project serves as a great illustration of Harrow Council and Harrows VCS approach to partnership working. 
• GLA funding received
• Pipeline of sites – 5 further sites across the borough
• Positive pre-planning application achieved
• Strong financial viability 

Initially the 2 schemes will deliver 10 units between them (subject to planning). These schemes will act as a pathfinder for future sites that have been identified, and are available for inclusion into the project. 

The project has ambitions to deliver a further 30 units across Harrow. These will create a thriving, self sustaining community.
5 new affordable homes in Edgware, made up of a mixture of apartments and houses
5 new affordable homes in Edgware, made up of a mixture of apartments and houses
5 new affordable individual houses in Wealdstone
5 new affordable individual houses in Wealdstone